Straight from Planet
We heard about the ancient Ashwagandha plant while exploring India.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Management
Increases Energy
Immune Support
Supports Concentration
Enhances Mood
Balances Nervous System
Middle East
Parts of Africa
Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen. That just means it can help you adapt to stress and keep your body functioning the way it should be.
We love this plant and so does a lot of the world. It's been used for treating stress and giving natural energy for hundreds of years.
Now, it's available to you. Anywhere you go.
Rhodiola Rosea
We have been using Rhodiola for overall wellness for years. Janine, the mother of Co-Pilot's founder, used this plant while living in Alaska and passed it's wide uses onto her daughter.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Supports Physical Performance
Fights Fatigue
Supports Healthy Brain Function
Promotes Healthy Sleep
Enhances Mood
Helps Balance Nervous System
Altitude Acclamation
Northern Europe
Parts of Asia
Cold, Mountainous Areas
Rhodiola is an adaptogen. That just means it helps your body adapt to and resist physical, chemical, and environmental stress.
Vikings used this plant to improve their physical performance. Mongolian healers used it for treating serious diseases.
We're using it to stay our healthiest selves.
Black Chia Seed
We've had them in our pudding, on our toast, and stuck in our teeth. Here we've decided to ground them up for when we can't find our floss.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Helps Balance
Stomach By
- Promoting Normal Digestion
- Helping with Pathogens Absorbion
- Promoting Healthy Gut Flora
Immune Support
Supports Healthy Strength/
Provides Nutrients/Vitamins
South America
These nutrient rich seeds come from the Salvia Hispanica plant.
Mayans and Aztec's ground the seeds into flour and other foods, believing they were almost magical; making a person stronger with better endurance. In Mayan, "chia" means "strength."
They have been utilized for thousands of years and we see why.
Green Tea Leaf
From sampling sips in ancient tea houses across China to finding the perfect proportions to put into this supplement, we've experienced a lot of the benefits of green tea.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Boosts Energy
Exercise Recovery
Aids Digestion
Supports Healthy Brain Function - Helping Maintain Alertness - Helping Memory/Attention
Supports Immune System
South East Asia
Green tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Interestingly, it's this same plant that makes black tea.
Green tea's origins may go back as far as 3000 years ago when people enjoyed chewing on the leaves, just like we do with gum. However, the first traditional tea was steeped during Emperor Shennong's rule in China. It's said the leaves fell into his hot drinking water and he continued to drink it without noticing. Once he realized how great he felt, he made sure to always have a cup ready.
Now you can have a cup every morning, without any hot water.
(Black Pepper Extract)
We'd like to tell you some crazy story about unearthing black pepper after 3 weeks of trekking through the jungle... but really it was on our kitchen tables growing up.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Helps with Nutrient Absorption
- Enhancing Benefits of other Ingredients
- Helping you feel your best, faster
Fights Inflammation
Piperine is the worlds first "bioenhancer." It "enhances" other ingredients absorption into your body. With better absorption, you can use these ingredients faster and more completely.
Piperine is the powerful extract derived from Black Pepper. Black Pepper is the tiny fruit from the Piper nigrum vine.
With thousands of years under its belt, black pepper is one of the oldest know spices. While originally from India, this "black gold" quickly gained popularity and had entire trade routes built around its distribution.
Now you don't have to wait for the next vessel to dock to get your hands on this ancient luxury. You can simply take your vite.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin A
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Supports Healthy Retinas
- Help Eyes from Quickly Tiring
- Maintaining Awakeness /Alertness
Immune Support
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Supports Healthy Body Function
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B1
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Energizes Body
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Immune Support
Aids Digestion
Feeling of Awakeness
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B2
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Energizes Body
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Supports Healthy Body Function
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B3
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Energizes Body
Immune Support
Supports Healthy Brain Function
Help with Fatigue
Enhances Mood
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B5
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Energizes Body
Stress Mangement
Aids Digestion
Immune Support
Help with Fatigue
Enhances Mood
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B6
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Energizes Body
Promotes Healthy Brain Function
Stress Mangement
Immune Support
Enhances Mood
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B7
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Energizes Body
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Promotes Healthy Brain Function
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B9
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Enhances Mood
Aids Digestion
Energizes Body
Immune Support
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin B12
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Enhances Mood
Strengthens Bones
Energizes Body
Supports Healthy Brain/Heart
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C and E work together, amplifying each others benefits. Our unique formula ensures you're getting a perfect ratio that will keep your body feeling it's best.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Immune Support
Supports Healthy Eye Function to Feel Awake
Supports Healthy Lung Function
Supports the Body Healing
Supports Healthy Memory/Thinking
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Vitamin C also combines incredibly with each of our other vitamins, minerals, and plants. That way, you're ready to take on any adventure you want.
Vitamin D3
Our string of vitamins is key for maintaining health while on the road. Just like we can do more together, so can they.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Enhances Mood
Immune Support
Supports Healthy Bones/Muscles
Supports Healthy Heart Function
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
And just like your friends, vitamins keep you on track; making sure your body can perform hundreds of daily roles as efficiently as possible. We mention a few possible benefits here, but there are countless more.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E and C work together, amplifying each others benefits. Our unique formula ensures you're getting a perfect ratio that will keep your body feeling it's best.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Immune Support
Supports Healthy Vision to Feel Awake
Supports Healthy Skin/Blood
Supports Healthy Brain Function
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
Vitamin E also combines incredibly with each of our other vitamins, minerals, and plants. That way, you're ready to take on any adventure you want.
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium Citrate, or the "forgotten electrolyte," is in every tissue of our bodies. It is essential for keeping our muscles functioning correctly on walks, hikes, or anywhere else we end up.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Helps Muscles/Nerves Recovery
Aids Digestion
Supports Healthy Bones
Produces Energy
Supports Healthy Heart
Increases Daily Vitamin Intake
We're still amazed at how many benefits each of these ingredients holds. They are the key to staying healthy while traveling. And when we combine them and take them everyday, we can become unstoppable.
Amino Acids
We first heard about this secret superhero when asking our friends how they were able to stay calm and loose while snowboarding down crazy mountains. "Practice... and Glycine," one responded. Now, we get it.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Stress Mangement
Supports Healthy Muscles
Aids Relaxation
Promotes Good Nights Sleep
Supports Healthy Heart
Support Detoxifying
You can get L-Glycine from some foods, like meat, cheese, and eggs. But it's a little harder to get if your a vegetarian/vegan, and intake is tough to keep track of for anyone. Luckily, we've got you covered with the perfect portion.
Your body can then use this amino acid to do all types of tasks, like keeping your muscles in tip-top shape.
Now, you can spend every day of your trip out there exploring, not sitting in bed too sore to move after yesterday's endeavors.
We first got into this amino acid when we heard it could help out protecting us from infections. Wow, if we had a dollar for every gross-looking, infected cut from traveling... we could buy a time machine and go back and start taking this stuff years ago. But hey, better late than never.
Possible Travel Benefits:
Immune Support
Balance Nervous System
Supports Healthy Brain/Glands
Supports Thyroid Function
This amino acid, just like all amino acids, helps build our muscles and keep us feeling our best.
So, the next time you're out swimming and you accidentally kick a rock and cut your foot, you'll be a little extra protected against any gnarly bacteria that could make it's way in. But still get out and clean your foot. Definitely still clean it. (The more protection the better.)
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